Leany on Life

Race Standings

Thinkers, Stinkers, and Linkers

3 Oct 2012

They say there are three kinds of bloggers: Thinkers, stinkers, and linkers. I've been each of those at some point. Today I'm a linker. Too tired to do anything else.

The other day I printed off a stack of articles to read. That reminded me of why I don't do that anymore. All but one of them hit it out of the park.

Read these:

Do Democrats Own the Terms 'Racism' and 'Lying'? by Lurita Doan.
I cheered when I read this. She nails it! " . . . , applying Democrat-themed meanings for the specific purpose of cowing Republicans into silence and submission."

She has the guts to tell the truth--that democrats use any criticism of Obama to cry racism, but they voted for him specifically because he's black. Exactly. Eggs-freaking-zactly! It's like I said, if the only reason I can dislike him is because he's black, that's the only reason you can like him. If our differing politics can't play one way, they can't the other.

Okay, I know I said I was playing linker, but I'm sorry, I'm going to go all thinker on you for a second. I know that's more boring.

This ties into...


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