In-state Tuition for Illegal Aliens? I'm not falling for it.

According to the stories floating around, congress is working on a bill that would allow illegal aliens to pay the lower in-state tuition to attend state colleges.

See, if you go to a state college in a state where you don't live, you pay a higher tuition because the schools are funded by taxes which you're not paying. An illegal alien, as you might have read somewhere, doesn't pay taxes in the state where the school is because he's not even a citizen of the dang country where the school is. In fact, believe it or not, the term illegal is sometimes used to mean something that is not allowed, for example in the case of an "illegal" alien, some people might argue that they shouldn't be here.

But if you got taken in by the story you'd think congress were trying to make arrangements to allow these people to pay lower tuition than people who are in the country legally. I'm not falling for it. You know why?

The day I believe that crazy story is the day I believe congress is working on a bill that would allow illegal aliens to pay the lower in-state tuition to attend state colleges.